‘TonTV Streaming Test
Please help us to test the GMFC live streaming web site this Saturday, the event will begin at 10.30am and should run between 30-45 minutes.
However, we may extend that time. To simulate as high a load as possible, please visit the site just prior to 10.30am and buy your free pass and move on to view the session.
You will need to register for the shop again even if you had done so previously as no data has been transferred to the new site. This will help us to test capacity loading. Please then close down your web browser and repeat the process. The shop should remember you and you can go to the “My Account” link and then “My Matches” to pick up the stream again. It will help us if you repeat this five times or more so that we can fully test capacity. Equally, please feel free to ask family and friends to become involved in the testing process as well.
You will also have received a confirmation email from the site with a link to the live stream. Can you separately confirm this also works for you? Please send any feed-back to support@gmfc.net.
Please note that this test should only be accessed on Saturday morning just prior to 10.30am as the service provider team will be carrying out essential maintenance work up until that time.
We will be carrying out training of the video production staff and testing of equipment at the same time on Saturday, so a clear view of the session at all times is not guaranteed
The free live stream event will be available from our new shop at https://tv.gmfc.net.