Stewart Farmer Resigns

Morton Club Together (MCT) representative on the Greenock Morton Board, Stewart Farmer, has resigned from the club Board due to ongoing health battles.

Stewart was one of the founding members of the MCT leadership team shortly after it was launched by Graham McLennan and was appointed to the Board of MCT in August 2019. Stewart served on the MCT Board for three years, playing an important part in the journey from the group being founded to community ownership.

Having served on the MCT Board, Stewart was appointed to the club Board in September 2021 when the transition to community ownership was completed.

Stewart has played a vital role in the journey from the foundation of MCT through to community ownership, and everyone at Greenock Morton and Morton Club Together would like to say a massive thank you for his contribution in that time.

On his decision, Stewart added, “I am disappointed that I have had to resign from the GMFC Board due to ill health. However, I am pleased to have played a small part in getting us into fan ownership. All the best for the future.”

Stewart’s decision does mean that there are now three MCT reps on the club Board – Gordon Ritchie, Graham Barr, and Sam Robinson. Over the coming weeks, MCT will communicate with members around the vacant post that Stewart will leave.

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