RESULTS 50/50 Raffle – Drawn on 27/06/2020 – Supporting Morton Youth Academy
The winning raffle ticket of last week’s 50/50 draw was: 125910 – 001 – 2
£262 was raised and the winner will receive £131
Congratulations to this week’s winner – Julie Harvie. The winner has been contacted.
Each ticket purchased, gives you entry into our 50/50 draw. Morton’s Youth Academy will receive 50% of the proceeds and one winner will be selected from the entrants to win the other 50%. Each week, we will choose once ticket at random to be a winner.
By supporting the Youth Academy, you are supporting the next generation – the first team players of tomorrow.
Please note, if you purchased more than 1 ticket, the first 6 digits of your tickets will all be the same. This is unique to you. The following digits will all be different to differentiate the different ticket numbers. Please ensure you have a note of all ticket numbers emailed to you once you have made your purchase online.