Hall of Fame Dinner Postponed
Due to circumstances, the club is today announcing that we have taken the decision to postpone the Hall of Fame dinner originally scheduled for 5th November.
Unfortunately, a couple of the proposed inductees are unavailable for the evening, and we feel it would be wrong to go ahead without them.
In addition, we are also aware of feedback from many supporters around price. While we had gone down the route of making this a more exclusive evening at Cappielow, we understand that £65 or £75 is a lot of money at this time.
With the above in mind, we will look to source a larger venue for the evening which allows us to welcome more supporters to the event, but also reduce the ticket price to make it more affordable.
For everyone who booked a ticket, we have tried to contact this afternoon to discuss your tickets. In the coming weeks we will be working on sourcing a new venue for the tail end of the season, and will keep everyone updated with this.
It will be our intention to also utilise the rearranged event to award our end of season awards, hopefully making it an even better night for supporters to attend.