Board Update | Michael Harkins to Step Down

Michael Harkins has notified the board of directors of his intention to step down as a director at the club at the end of season 2024/25. Michael joined the board in May 2022 as Finance Director and has worked hard in the role as the club has adapted to the model of community ownership and what that means from a budgeting and finance perspective.

Michael said, “It is an honour to serve on the board and it has been an extremely rewarding experience, however, I would like to devote more time to family and other pursuits next year, which is why I’ve chosen to give the club advance notice of my intention to step down. It is my hope that by giving advance notice, we will be able to identify a candidate who will be able to work alongside me for much of next season, making the transition easier.”

“I will remain on hand beyond stepping down to help where needed. In the meantime, I remain fully committed to my role and look forward to the next 12 months.”

The board will commence a search for Michael’s replacement and will engage with the Morton Club Together Board in this process.

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