The Club as you are aware sent staff and players home after the SFA’s suspension of football on the 13th of March, closing Cappielow and our business immediately. As a Club we are all heeding the Governments advice on remaining at home, and only leaving to carry out the exceptions as outlined.
There are many challenges for us all during this unprecedented time, and whilst safety for us individually and collectively looking after our families is paramount, the Chairman, Board and I have been working remotely on setting the key building blocks, to ensure the future of the Club is secure once this pandemic is over.
The Government’s support in respect of the 80% job retention scheme is very welcome, and I can confirm we have been able to come to an agreement which will see all employees placed on furlough.
I would like to put on record our gratitude to Golden Casket and the Rae family, for funding wage commitments until monies are received via the Government’s scheme, and of course the Manager, coaches, players and staff for their 100% agreement.
We have been in close communication with Morton Club Together regarding how best to tackle the current challenges, and they have been working hard to co-ordinate additional funds from their members and beyond. This effort is greatly appreciated, and additional monies received will ensure we are in good shape to support the first team squad once the game that we all love returns.
The ongoing support received by MCT and its members has been greatly appreciated and hugely beneficial. They will update independently, but If you would like to find out more, visit – https://mortonclubtogether.com/news/
This support in times of crisis, from major shareholders, football management, players, staff and fans, confirms to me how many good people we have associated with Greenock Morton Football Club, and I look forward to working closely with all for a positive future.
As has been well documented, the SFA funding for Project Brave was significantly reduced recently, due to non-compliance to FIFA standards of the 3G pitches the Club’s Academy rented from Inverclyde Council. This massive impact on monies coming into the Club, and the ongoing cash burden to plug the increased Academy funding shortfall, has unfortunately put us in a position where in order to safeguard the future of Greenock Morton FC, we have had to cancel our agreements with our Academy casual workers and staff.
These measures are a consequence of our time, but we will come through this stronger with focus, commitment and a resolve that defines us all.
Our fans and the general Inverclyde community are very dear to all that we do, and we are already channelling energies into putting something back into local good causes. In particular Belville Community Trust who continue to deliver isolation food boxes against all odds, deserve support. http://belvillecommunitygarden.org.uk/
Keep safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones.
We will update you once we have further information from the SFA and SPFL on the various issues we all require to address, and the path ahead on league and fixture matters.
David Mackinnon
Greenock Morton Football Club