Western Ferries back academy kid Daniel

Morton youth academy starlet Daniel Beaton is travelling to training in style after Western Ferries stepped in to support his budding career with a unique sponsorship offer.

Under-12s midfielder Daniel undertakes a mammoth return journey from his home in Oban to Gourock three nights a week as well as for matches on a Saturday.

After learning of his dedication and the regular use of their service from Hunter’s Quay in Dunoon to McInroy’s Point, Western Ferries provided two books of tickets for the 11-year-old and his father Neil in order to help him achieve his ambition.


Academy coach Jim Bain explained: “Daniel and his dad Neil come down to train with our Under-12s team every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from Oban.

“Between the car journey and ferry crossing this must take about six hours travelling. Yet Daniel has not missed a night’s training, with the exception of when I insist he takes a night off due to weather conditions.

“Recently Western Ferries have sponsored Daniel and Neil with two books of tickets to help with the cost of travelling to training and matches. We would like to thank Western Ferries for their help in sponsoring Daniel in this kind way.”

Western Ferries managing director Gordon Ross said: “We are absolutely delighted to be able to go some way to help this dedicated youngster with his ambition to become a footballer by helping support his travel. Good luck Daniel!”