Staff Profile | Sharon Kinloch
Next up on our Staff Profiles is Safety Officer, Sharon Kinloch.
Sharon Kinloch
Job Role
Safety Officer
Length of time you have worked at the club
5 Years
What are your main responsibilities?
As club Safety Officer I am responsible for the safety of spectators, staff and players and the security of the stadium on match day. I ensure compliance with SPFL Ground Regulations, the Green Guide and the stadium licence.
What does a typical week look like for you at Cappielow?
My week starts with looking at the month ahead looking at upcoming home matches. From this I put together a draft match plan, I look at, potential away fan numbers, stands to be used, turnstiles required, catering van requirement, stewarding plan etc.
I confirm stewards and first-aid, numbers are dictated by away fan numbers and the stand they will be in.
Six days before a match I begin my match checks and match day planning and documents. I check with Police, First Aid, Stewards, Away SO and other GMFC departments. I then update documents and agenda and email meeting invites for our Pre-Ops meeting. I chair our Pre-Ops meeting, this is generally held 48 hours before match day. After the Pre-Ops I produce the match day documents, Operational Order and Match Risk assessment.
The night before a match I check over documents, there is always something to change.
Match day, I like to arrive around 10am. I check in with other GMFC departments, checking for any issues or changes. I then start my Stadium Safety walk-round. That is as it sounds, I walk round the whole stadium, checking everything. I can’t sign the stadium as safe to open without flushing every toilet and turning on every tap.
By mid-day, the stadium is a hive of activity and I get down to the nitty-gritty of preparing to open the stadium, managing the match the ensuring safe exit for everyone in. After the match I check the match log, save and share the match documents.
What are the best bits of working at Morton?
The welcome, the laugh, the support, the GMFC family. The stadium, it has its challenges but the atmosphere from the Cowshed is legendary. Whenever I tell anyone I work at Cappielow, the first thing they mention is always the Cowshed.
What has been your biggest success in your role so far?
I’ve had many, however, a passing conversation with CEO of Morton in the Community lead to the development and opening of Cappies Corner. Cappies Corner is an inclusive area for families with children and young people with Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder’s. This is particularly close to my heart as in my “day job” I am a Family Support Worker specifically for children and young people with additional support needs. I am very aware of the limited social opportunities available for them, so having a safe space for families to come and experience football at Cappielow will always be a major success for me.
Another success for me was the reopening of the stadium to 500 fans after the closed COVID season. I was set with producing a plan to bring 500 spectators into the stadium while complying with all the rapidly changing COVID regulations. The plan worked, we were highly commended on it, however a big thank you must go to the fans who were exemplary in their co-operation.
What are you looking forward to over the next 12 months?
To watch the club continue to grow and introduce new initiatives such as Team Ton. I’d like to continue this positive engagement and encouragement with our young supporters. The club has changed dramatically in the five years I’ve been Safety Officer. Its been exciting and I’m very proud to have been part of it. I look forward to the next chapter.