Greenock Morton Community Fund
Greenock Morton FC today announce the launch of our new Community Fund.
The fund has been designed to allow supporters to contribute to initiatives where the club invests in supporting our people and the wider Inverclyde Community.
The club had previously, over the summer season ticket period, a system to donate towards season tickets for community use- the Community Fund will now replace this and ensure that we can further spread the reach and work that the club does to support the people and community of Inverclyde.
How will the fund support the community?
• Distribution of tickets & season tickets to community groups and schools
• Supporting community projects that directly help our local community such as foodbanks, boots ‘n’ pieces and other support projects across the area.
• Generating funding to support volunteer work happening in and around the stadium
• Helping to support Morton in the Community with funding for support work across Inverclyde
Why is the fund required?
Now more than ever our community need us. Whether that is engaging with us on a matchday or whether its through other projects and programmes we run, Greenock Morton is a central hub of the Inverclyde Community.
This fund enables us to bring people closer to the club, give people a sense of togetherness, acceptance and belonging.
With this fund we can further the reach of the club, the impact of the club and the work that the club does day-in, day-out to be ‘The Heartbeat of Inverclyde’
How can you get involved?
Supporters can contribute by making a one-off payment to the Community Fund through our fanbase platform (£10, £20, £50 or £100) – CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
Also, for supporters who wish to contribute specific amounts out with those laid out above, please contact admin@gmfc.net for more information.
Thank you for supporting our people, our area and our community. Every penny counts.