Carols at Cappielow brings joy to Inverclyde
The sound of carols will ring out loud and clear once again this year from the main stand within Greenock Morton’s football ground on Sunday the 8th of December from 4pm to 5pm. All are invited to this special occasion and there will be tea and coffee on arrival from 3.15pm.
The event is being organised once again by Inverclyde Christian Initiative and Greenock Morton F C and includes a number of the best loved carols with scripture readings and brief life stories from local Christians as to the relevance of Christmas to them.
For the Initiative, Chris Jewell said, ‘Christmas brings hope and is a time of giving, remembering how Jesus, the Son of God, gave Himself to come in human form and live and die that we might be forgiven and find His eternal and miraculous life living within us.
‘There has always been a lovely atmosphere at this Carol service at Cappielow and we would encourage everyone in Inverclyde and beyond to come along and join with us.’
The 2nd Port Glasgow Boys Brigade band will be playing as people arrive and the carols will be accompanied by the Hope Community Church Worship team. The Boys Brigade band came 1st for General Musical Effect and third overall in the top level of the British Championships earlier this year.
More information on the event is available by telephoning 01475 783000 or by email to inverclydeawake@gmail.com.