Access Codes For Season Ticket Holders
We have today sent season ticket holders an access code via e-mail which is to be used to view home league matches at Cappielow on our streaming platform.
If you have not received an e-mail by 5pm today please contact admin@gmfc.net and we will issue you with your code
The code issued is personal to you, connected to your email address and cannot be used by anyone else. It is valid for one device only – you can change device midway through a stream but after a two minute grace period, the first device you used will no longer access the stream.
Once logged onto the shop website above, click the match you wish to view and use your pass code in the section that says apply coupon. Thereafter you will receive an email with a link which you can click to view the match.
For season ticket holders that we did not have an e-mail address for we have issued a letter to your home address that has your code within. We ask kindly ask those that have not already provided us with an e-mail address that they do so in order for the code to be activated on your ‘TonTV account.
Please note, access codes are still in the process of being activated on the website therefore we ask season ticket holders to withhold from purchasing Saturday’s game until we are advised that all codes have been made live by our service provider.