2024/25 Home Kit Information
As mentioned when launching the 2023/24 home kit, we will be marking the 150th anniversary with the 2024/25 home kit.
Without giving too much away, we are excited to say that everyone who has purchased their 2023/24 season ticket, or joined Morton Club Together (MCT) by Friday 30th June, will be a part of that special home kit.
Nearly 900 of you have already purchased your season tickets while MCT currently has just under 1000 members. It would be great to hit 1000 for both those by the end of June!
You can purchase your season ticket via the Fanbase App. Full information can be found here – https://www.gmfc.net/2023-24-season-tickets-on-sale/
To join MCT, visit https://mortonclubtogether.co.uk/members-tc